Create a Customer Account
Step 1: Create a customer account
Select the 'Account' icon in the top right corner
Then click ‘Create Account’
Customer Name: Enter text
Tier: Select “Enterprise” or “Reseller”
Customer type: SFT
User type: Select “Trial” or “Commercial”
Connection Type: Select “Prepaid” or “Postpaid”
Currency: Select “EUR” or “USD”
Country: Select a customer country from drop-down list
Time zone: Time zone based on selected country
Mail ID: email address
Language: Select “English”
3. Click on ‘Submit’
Step 2: Assign Plan to the account
1. Select the ‘Details’ icon corresponding to your account:
2. Attach a ‘Plan’ and a ‘User’:
Step 3: Assign SIM-cards to the account
Your available pool of SIM-cards can be consulted by clicking on ‘SIMs’ tab:
SIMs can be assigned to a child account but selecting the SIMs and clicking ‘SIM Transfer’ and then selecting the child account from the drop down list:
And then clicking 'Submit
Step 5: Support access
You can reach you customer account via the following steps:
1. Select the ‘Support’ icon next which corresponds to the account you wish to access
2. Select a user from the available list
3. When you receive an alter - confirm that you want to login by clicking ‘Yes’
After all above steps you would access a customer account and would have the same right as a user you have logged through.