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Create base plan

Create Base Plan – Postpaid and Prepaid

1. On the top menu, click Plan to view the Rate Plan details. Refer to the following screen.

Figure 1 Plan

By default, the Postpaid Plan screen is displayed.

To create a base plan for prepaid connection, click Prepaid tab and follow the subsequent steps

2. Click

to add a new prepaid plan. Refer to the following screen.

Figure 2 add plan

3. After clicking the button, the following screen is displayed. By default, the Plan type is Base.

Figure 3 Rate plan – Base

4. Enter or select the following information in the corresponding fields.



Basic Information

Plan Type

Base Plan - Base plans are the default plans attached during provisioning. An endpoint can have only one base plan.

Plan Name

Enter a name for the Plan


Select the plan status in the drop-down list. For example, Active or In-Active.
Note: You cannot attach In-Active plans to an endpoint.

Service Profile

Select the service profile for the Rate plan in the drop-down list.
Each Service profile is configured to provide specific services.
Note: You cannot modify Service Profile details after the plan is created.


Enter a brief description of the plan.


Depending on the currency of the Enterprise, currency type is auto-populated.


If Prorate button is ON ,it indicates whether monthly recurring charges and benefits of a postpaid base plan should be prorated in the first month/cycle.
Note: Prorate is applicable for postpaid connection and base plan only
Accepted values: ON/OFF
Default if not provided =OFF
For example:
Charges = 10 EUR MRC
Benefits = 100 SMS & 500 MB
Prorate = ON
Plan is activated on 15/06/2020 14:00.
So prorating has to be applied for the period from 15/06 until 30/06 (both included).
Charges = (10 EUR / 30) * (30 - 14) = 5.33 EUR
(100 SMS / 30) * (30 - 14) = 53.33 => 53 SMS
(500 MB / 30 )* (30 - 14) = 266.67 MB


Select the PCRF rule in the drop-down list. For example,
Default_Rule – After the endpoint reaches the data threshold limit, the data speed is not reduced, and the endpoint is charged for out of bundle usage
Redirect – For example, the endpoint is redirected to an online web portal where the endpoint needs to buy an Addon plan to continue browsing
Throttle_128 Kbps – Reduces the data speed to 128 Kbps
Throttle_256 Kbps – Reduces the data speed to 256 Kbps
Throttle_384 Kbps – Reduces the data speed to 384 Kbps
Throttle_512 Kbps – Reduces the data speed to 512 Kbps

Roaming Profile

This field is displayed when you select "Base" as plan type.
Select the Roaming Profile for the plan in the drop-down list. Roaming Profile is a combination of multiple Operators.
Note: You cannot modify Roaming Profile after the plan is created.

 5. Click Next. The Advance details screen is displayed. By default, the Notification detail is displayed.

Figure 4 Advance details

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