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Create Tariff

On the top menu, click Tariff to view the Tariff details. Refer to the following screen.

Figure 8 Tariff

  1. Click

Create New Tariff to create a tariff. Refer to the following screen.

Figure 9 Create New Tariff

  1. After clicking the button, the

Add New Tariff screen is displayed

Figure 10 Add New Tariff

  1. Enter or select the following details in the corresponding fields. Fields marked with "

|" are mandatory



Tariff Name

Indicates the name of the Tariff


Indicates the service offered by the Tariff. For example, Data, MO-SMS, MT-SMS, NB-IOT.

Note: Service type cannot be modified after Tariff is created


Select the status of the tariff. For example, Active or Inactive.
Note: Inactive tariffs are not displayed in Rate plan

Orig Criteria

Originating criteria is auto-populated.
Note: Originating Criteria cannot be modified after Tariff is created

Originating Rate zone

Select the Originating Rate zone in the drop-down list.
Note: Originating Rate zone cannot be modified after Tariff is created

Rating Group

By default, this field is not displayed. This field is displayed when you select "Data" or NB-IOT” as Service
Select the rating group for the tariff.
Note: Multiple Rating groups can be added if required.


By default, this field is not displayed. This field is displayed when you select "Data" or "NB-IOT" as Service
Enter the per-unit value of the service type

Unit Type

By default, the destination criteria field is not displayed. This field is displayed when you select "Data" or "NB-IOT"  as Tariff.
Select the unit type in the drop-down list. For example, MB or KB
Note: If you select unit as 1 and unit type as MB, per unit is calculated as 1MB. If you select unit as 2 and unit type as KB, per unit, is calculated as 200KB. Based on the per-unit value, charges are defined for the tariff

Price per Unit

By default, this field is not displayed. This field is displayed when you select the service as Data or SMS-MO or SMS-MT or NB-IOT 

Enter the charge to collect for per unit usage of the service.
Note: This field is labelled as "Price Per unit(Orig Rate zones)" once we selecting Originating rate zones field in SMS-MO service.

Des Criteria

By default, the destination criteria field is not displayed. This field is displayed when you select service as "MO-SMS" or "MT-SMS"
Select the Destination criteria in the drop-down list. For example,
 If you select "Country zone" as Des criteria, the tariff will be applicable for a specific Country zone
 If you select "Country" as Des criteria, the tariff will be applicable for a specific Country
Note: Destination Criteria cannot be modified after Tariff is created

Dest Country

By default, this field is not displayed. This field is displayed when "Country" is selected as Destination criteria.
Select the Destination country for the tariff in the drop-down list. For example, Belgium.

Dest Country zone

By default, this field is not displayed. This field is displayed when "Country zone" is selected as Destination criteria.
Select the Destination country zone for the tariff in the drop-down list. For example, BICS Country zone.

P2P Off-net criteria

By default it will be as Not allowed. This field will be displayed when you select "Originating Rate Zones".
There is an option to select All off-net P2P SMS.

1.Not allowed – This will allow only to send offnet P2P SMS meaning which the country code starts with "32" and 15-digit MSISDN.

  1. All off-net P2P SMS – This will allow to send P2P SMS to anywhere in the world, but the charges will be applied according to the configuration.

Price per Unit (Dest criteria)

This will be displayed when we select "All off-net P2P SMS" from the P2P off-net criteria dropdown.
P2P sms will be charged as per the configuration.


Select the currency type for the Tariff. For example, EUR.
Note: Currency cannot be modified after the Tariff is created.

  1. After entering the details, click


A confirmation message is displayed, indicating Tariff is created successfully.

Figure 11 Confirmation message

- If you click Submit without entering Tariff details, the following notification is displayed below the empty fields on the Add New Tariff screen.

Figure 12 Error message

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