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An enterprise account can send a message directly to the child users using the SMS feature.

For operating this feature SMS_MO tariff without ratezone need to be defined parent level.

View SMS

  1. On the top menu, click

to view the settings menu. Refer to the following screen.

Figure 1 SMS

2. The following SMS details are displayed on the screen.




Enter the body of the message to be sent.

Message type

Indicates the message type sent.
Text – A text message is a message sent to the inbox, whatever the message content sent to the endpoint.

Originating Address

Indicates the originating address of the sender.

Destination Address

Indicates the destination address of the receiver.

Sent by

Indicates the account number of the user who sent the SMS

Sent Time (UTC)

Indicates the date and time when the SMS was sent.
Note: Time is shown in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) zone


Indicates the status of the SMS. For example, Success or Failure.


Send SMS

3. On the top menu, click

to view the settings menu. Refer to the following screen.

Figure 2 SMS

4. To send SMS, click Send SMS. Refer to the following screen.

Figure 3 Send SMS

5. After clicking the button, the Send SMS screen is displayed.

Figure 4 Send SMS

6. Enter or select the following details in the corresponding fields.




Enter the body of the message to be sent.
Note: The maximum allowed characters is 80. Special characters are allowed in the message.


Indicates the account number of the sender.
Note: This field is auto-populated and non-editable.

Originating Address

Indicates the originating address number of the sender.
Note: This field is auto-populated and non-editable.

Destination Address

Enter the recipient's phone number.

7. Click Submit. A confirmation message is displayed, indicating the message is sent successfully.

Figure 5 Confirmation Message

8. If you click Submit, without entering the Message details, the following notification is displayed below the empty fields on the Send SMS screen.

Figure 6 Send SMS

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