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How to use the Usage reports

These 5 views are available:

  • Overview Usage

    • SIM Details - Overview Usage (on demand)

  • Overview Service Usage

  • Usage Details

  • SIM Details - SIM Usage

These views are aggregated daily. The day considered here is based on UTC timezone.

1. Overview Usage

Main KPIs Overview Usage report

  1. Revenue (in the selected Currency) of Usage records from the available/selected period

  2. Total Volume of Usage records from the available/selected period

  3. Downlink Volume of Usage records from the available/selected period

  4. Uplink Volume of Usage records from the available/selected period

  5. SMS Count of Usage from records the available/selected period

  6. Revenue (in the selected Currency) of Usage records over the available/selected dates

  7. Total, Downlink and Uplink Volume of Usage records over the available/selected period

  8. SMS Count of Usage records over the available/selected period

  9. GET SIM DETAILS button is available and clickable in case number of records is below or equal to 10.000.000 records. This feature is explained below.

There are multiple filters available

  • Month Year

  • Date

  • Currency

  • Customer

  • Service: DATA, SMS or NB-IOT

  • Sub-Service: A2P, P2A, P2P ON-NET or P2P OFF-NET (only applicable to SMS Service)

  • Country

  • Visited Operator

  • RAT Type: 2G, 3G, 4G, NB-IOT, 5G

  • Rate Zone

1.1. SIM Details - Overview Usage (on demand)

Note that on demand, from Overview Usage page, there is the possibility to open a secondary tab with same information with time granularity of 15 minutes plus the details on the SIMs. This is done via clicking GET SIM DETAILS on the top right ensuring that the number of records is less than 10.000.000. This is required to handle the scale of this report due to the significant amount of records (around 3.000.000 records are generated per day).

After applying appropriate filtering to ensure less than 10.000.000 records, GET SIM DETAILS button is available and upon clicking, new Tab is opened in the user’s browser with warning that Application is being generated.

After successfully generating the App, Overview Usage similar to Main App’s is to be shown with time granularity of 15 minutes plus the details on the SIMs

2. Overview Service Usage

Main KPIs Services Usage report

  1. Revenue (in the selected Currency), or Total Volume or SMS Count sorted by Customer

  2. Revenue (in the selected Currency), or Total Volume or SMS Count sorted by Country, or Visited Operator or RAT Type

  3. Revenue (in the selected Currency), or Total Volume or SMS Count sorted by Base Plan, Rate Zone, Dynamic Benefit or Addon Plan

There are multiple filters available

  • Month Year

  • Date

  • Currency

  • Customer

  • Service: DATA, SMS or NB-IOT

  • Sub-Service: A2P, P2A, P2P ON-NET or P2P OFF-NET (only applicable to SMS Service)

  • Country

  • Visited Operator

  • RAT Type: 2G, 3G, 4G, NB-IOT, 5G

  • Rate Zone

3. Usage Details

Main KPIs Services Usage report

  1. All information available is displayed in Tabular format

There are multiple filters available

  • Month Year

  • Date

  • Currency

  • Customer

  • Service: DATA, SMS or NB-IOT

  • Sub-Service: A2P, P2A, P2P ON-NET or P2P OFF-NET (only applicable to SMS Service)

  • Country

  • Visited Operator

  • RAT Type: 2G, 3G, 4G, NB-IOT, 5G

  • Rate Zone

4. Usage report dimensions and metrics

Dimensions are descriptive characteristics or attribute of your data. Example: dimensions show you when, where, what, why, with whom and how you view data in the report. The metrics are always expressed by numbers (number values, %).


  • REVENUE_DATE REVENUE_TIMESTAMP - Date and Timestamp of a given record

    • aggregation is done every 15 minutes

    • Timezone is of the User’s

  • ACCOUNT_ID - Account to which the Usage record refers to

  • SERVICE_TYPE_ID - Service Type to which the Usage record refers to: DATA, SMS-MO or NB-IOT

  • SUB_SERVICE_TYPE - Sub-Service Type to which the Usage record refers to (only applicable to SMS-MO Service): A2P, P2A, P2P ON-NET or P2P OFF-NET

  • IMSI, ICCID, MSISDN - SIM details to which the Usage record refers to

  • ENDPOINT_ID - ID of the Endpoint to which the Usage record refers to (only available to Enterprise Users)

  • IMEI - IMEI value to which the Usage record refers to

  • REVENUE_PLAN_ID - Base Plan to which the record refers in case Usage was charged from the Base Plan

  • REVENUE_BENEFIT_ID - Benefit to which the record refers in case Usage was performed under a Benefit

  • REVENUE_ADDON_PLAN_ID - Addon Plan to which the record refers in case Usage was performed under an Addon Plan

  • REVENUE_TARIFF_ID - Tariff applied to calculate the charges of the Usage performed. In case of Usage under a Benefit, Default Addon Tariff is provided

  • REVENUE_RATE_ZONE_ID - Ratezone under which the Usage was performed.

  • REVENUE_DYNAMIC_BENEFIT_ID - Dynamic Benefit to which the record refers in case Usage was performed under a Dynamic Benefit

  • VISITED_OPERATOR_ID - Visited Operator Network in which Usage was performed. Visited Country is also taken from this information.

  • ROAMING_RELATION_TYPE - Roaming Agreement under which Usage was performed: IR, OC or Direct

  • SPONSOR_OPERATOR_ID - Sponsor Operator through which the Usage was performed. In case of Usage via OC or DIRECT, Sponsor Operator is NULL

  • APN - APN in which DATA or NB-IOT Usage was performed

  • RAT_TYPE - RAT Type in which Usage was performed: 2G, 3G, 4G, NB-IOT, 5G



How the metric is calculated?


 No. of SMS Units charged by a given Account


Total Volume charged by a given Account


Downlink Volume charged by a given Account


Downlink Volume charged by a given Account


Charged Amount by a given Account for Service Usage (that results in its Revenue)

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