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Statistics (User Guide)


  1. Click Statistics to view the SIM, Billing and Usage reports. Refer to the following screen.

Picture 1: Statistics Menu

2. The Statistics menu

Picture 2: Statistics submenu

On the top right you can switch between the different views of reports by pressing the current report view.

Click on of the available sheets to switch between the different report views.


These 4 views are available:

  • Overview SIM Status

  • SIM Status Details

  • Overview SIM Event

  • SIM Event Details


This single view is available:

  • SIM History Details


These 4 views are available:

  • Overview Billing

  • Overview Billing Services

  • Billing Details

  • Billing and Margin Details


These 8 views are available:

  • Overview Usage

  • Overview Service Usage

  • Usage Details

  • SIMs with Usage by Customer

  • SIMs with Usage by VPMN

  • SIMs with Usage by Country

  • SIMs with Usage by RAT

  • SIMs with Usage details report: 

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