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Benefit Details


  1. On the Endpoint CRM screen, click

Benefits to view the benefit details for the endpoint. Refer to the following screen.

Figure 1 Benefits

The following benefits details are displayed on the screen.



Plan Name

Indicates the plan name subscribed by the endpoint.

Benefit Name

Indicates the corresponding benefit name for the Addon plan subscribed. Depending on the Addon plan subscribed, Benefit varies


Indicates the frequency period of the Benefit. For example, weekly or monthly


Indicates the type of Benefit. For example Recurring or One time

Activation Time

Indicates the Activation time of the Benefit

Expiry/Renewal Time

Indicates the Expiry or next Renewal time of the Benefit

Available Units/Total

Indicates the balance available units in the benefit


Indicates the Ratezone to which the benefit is applicable.

MDB Priority

Priority of the Dynamic Benefits as integer (smallest value = highest priority). only for Dynamic benefits

Benefit Prioriy

Priority of the Benefits as integer (smallest value = highest priority). only for Dynamic benefits


General Rules

  1. First, check the ratezone

  2. If we have both pooled and non-pooled MDB, Non-pooled should be used first

  3. The check if there is an active MDB that offers a Benefit on that rate zone

    1. If multiple active MDB user MDB priority

    2. if multiple MDB with the same priority, then the user expiration date of the MDB to decide which one to use first

    3. If the expiry date is the same, then randomly use the MDB

    4. MDB without defined priority should be consumed first (no priority equals the highest priority)

      1. If multiple benefits within the same MDB are available for the same Network then user priority of the benefit

      2. if benefits have the same priority then use random

      3. Benefits without defined priority should be consumed first (no priority equals the highest priority)

  4. If no active MDB for the ratezone, check MDBs with activation on usage and activate and use again based on the priority/expiration/random rules

    1. activate first the MDB with the highest priority

    2. if multiple with the same priority activate MDB with the smallest expiration

    3. if multiple MDB with same priority and same expiration then random

    4. MDB without defined priority should be considered as the highest priority

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