Counter to view the counter details. Refer to the following screen.
The following counter details are displayed on the screen.
Indicates the current base plan of the endpoint
Indicates the Counter type. For example, Daily or Monthly Daily_DATA – Indicates the counter is calculated on a daily basis for DATA Monthly _DATA– Indicates the counter is calculated on a monthly basis for DATA
Daily_NB-IOT – Indicates the counter is calculated on a daily basis for NB-IOT Monthly _NB-IOT– Indicates the counter is calculated on a monthly basis for NB-IOT
Threshold value
Indicates the threshold value of the counter. click
to modify the threshold value
Threshold unit
Indicates the unit for the threshold value. For example, Bytes, KB, and MB. For example, a threshold value of 1000 and threshold unit of MB indicates that 1000MB is the threshold limit for the counter.
Indicates the reset frequency of counter. For example, daily or monthly.
Frequency Factor
Indicates the frequency at which the counter is calculated For example, when you enter frequency factor as 2, selected counter as daily, threshold value as 100, and threshold unit as MB, the counter is triggered once in two days when the endpoint consumes 100 MB of data.
Indicates the action triggered when the threshold limit for the counter is reached. Block – Blocks the data connectivity Default – Allows the endpoint to browse without any loss in data speed. User is charged for out of bound data usage Redirect – For example, the endpoint is redirected to an online web portal where the endpoint needs to buy an Addon plan to continue browsing Throttle_128 Kbps – Reduces the data speed to 128 Kbps Throttle_256 Kbps – Reduces the data speed to 256 Kbps Throttle_384 Kbps – Reduces the data speed to 384 Kbps Throttle_512 Kbps – Reduces the data speed to 512 Kbps
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