Dynamic benefits
Dynamic benefit:
This feature will be used by enterprise customers. Based on the configuration, pool of data to be increased to enterprise when endpoint activation is successful.
There are 2 Categories of Dynamic Benefits
1.BICS creates a POOLED MDB and assign it to an Enterprise
2.Enterprise assign the MDB to an Endpoint
3.Enterprise pays a fee for that sim activation and SIM MRC
4.Enterprise gets a benefit of X MB in his POOL
When any endpoint is doing traffic
1.Enterprise is charging endpoint for this traffic with X €
2.BICS is charging Enterprise for this traffic using the MB from the POOL of benefit assigned to the Enterprise.
1.BICS creates a POOLED MDB and assign it to an Enterprise
2.Enterprise assign it to an Endpoint
3.Enterprise pays a fee for that sim activation and SIM MRC
4.Enterprise gets a benefit of X MB for traffic generated only by the specific endpoint
When Specific Endpoint is doing Traffic
1.Enterprise is charging endpoint for this traffic with X €
2.BICS is charging Enterprise for this traffic using the MB from only the specific POOL related to the Endpoint.
Once the Specific POOL benefit is over or validity expires and the Endpoint is still generating traffic, Then BICS charges Enterprise using Tariff for the generated traffic.
When Other endpoint (without MDB) is doing traffic
1.Enterprise is charging endpoint for this traffic with X €
2.BICS is charging Enterprise for this traffic using tariff, without using the benefit of MDB-Endpoint.
Dynamic Benefits that are added to a plan will be shown under Dynamic Benefits section in the Plan
Picture 1 Dynamic Benefits
Create Dynamic Benefit
MVNE and Reseller can be able to create dynamic benefit. Under Plan Configuration, Dynamic Benefits menu will be used for configuring dynamic benefit.
On clicking of Dynamic Benefits option, Below screen will be shown.
click “ADD NEW DYNAMIC BENEFITS” to add a Benefit to the plan and enter data. Please refer below screen to create Pooled MDB or Non-Pooled MDB
On click on Add New Dynamic Benefits and enter data, refer below screen (User can create Pooled and Non-pooled MDB’s).
Note: Benefits within one MDB can only be for one service, not Data and NB-IoT mixed.
Enter or select the following information in the corresponding fields.
Field | Description |
Dynamic Benefits Category | Selection (radio button) of “Pooled” or “Non-Pooled” |
Name | Alphanumeric value up to 50 characters length |
SIM & Benefit Fee | Numeric value with a length up to 10 digits, replaces Base Plan SIM management fee for Endpoints subscribed to the Dynamic Benefits during validity |
SIM Activation Fee | Numeric value with a length up to 10 digits, replaces Base Plan SIM activation fee for Endpoints subscribed to the Dynamic Benefits |
Activated By | Selection (drop-down list) of “Subscription” or “Usage” |
Mode | Selection (drop-down list) of “OneTime” or “Recurring |
Factor | Numeric value. Factor multiplying the Validity. |
Validity | Selection (drop-down list) of “Month” or “Year” |
Priority | Priority of the Dynamic Benefits as integer (smallest value = highest priority) |
Benefit | Selection (drop-down list) of DATA or NB-IOT, only one type of benefit can be used within the same Dynamic Benefits |
Ratezone | Selection (drop-down list) of Ratezone, will show only Ratezones under the selected Destination Group |
Value | Numeric value with a length up to 10 digits |
Prioriy | Priority of the Benefits as integer (smallest value = highest priority) |
Overage Tariff | Numeric value with a length up to 10 digits |
For Pooled MDB, Below fields will be shown. Please see below.
Priority Field will be shown as an Additional field when Non-Pooled is selected as Dynamic Benefits Category. Please see below
Below screen will be shown when DATA and NB-IoT are added in a single Dynamic Benefit. This is applicable for both Pooled MDB and Non-Pooled MDB.
Created Dynamic Benefits list is displayed. refer below screen
Edit (pencil)/Delete (trash): to edit or delete an MDB created by the current account within the Base Plan.
Select Submit Button.
A confirmation message will be displayed, indicating that the retail plan is created successfully.
Modify Dynamic Benefits
Click on Modify Plan icon.
Go to Dynamic Benefits section. Hover on edit option to modify an existing Dynamic Benefit
Modify Dynamic Benefits is displayed. Please refer below screen
For the following fields, the system should only allow modification if the MDB is not yet activated on any Endpoint:
Dynamic Benefits modification:
SIM Activation Fee or SIM & Benefit Fee
For Endpoints for which the MDB is already activated before the change, the new SIM & Benefit Fee value should be charged after the end of the current validity period, i.e. as of the next MDB renewal in Recurring mode.
For Endpoints for which the MDB is not yet activated before the change, the new SIM Activation Fee and/or SIM & Benefit Fee values should be charged as of the MDB activation.
Activated By
For Endpoints for which the MDB is already activated before the change, a modification of the Activated By value does not have any effect.
For Endpoints for which the MDB is not yet activated before the change, the activation should happen according to the new Activated By value, especially:
If an Endpoint is active but has not had any usage yet, and if the Activated By value is changed from Usage to Subscription, the MDB should be activated at the moment of the change.
For Endpoints for which the MDB is already activated before the change, a modification of the Mode value is not allowed.
For Endpoints for which the MDB is not yet activated before the change, the new Mode value should be applied as of the MDB activation.
Factor or Validity
For Endpoints for which the MDB is already activated before the change, a modification of the Factor + Validity value is not allowed.
For Endpoints for which the MDB is not yet activated before the change, the new Factor + Validity value should be used to calculate the validity period as of the MDB activation.
Modification is applicable immediately for all the endpoints which have attached MDB’s and for all states.
MDB Deletion:
MDB deletion is possible only if MDB is not attached to any endpoint.