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Modify Endpoint balance for Endpoint

Modify Available Balance

On the endpoint CRM screen, click

to modify the available balance. Refer to the following screen.

Figure 1 Modify Balance

After clicking the button, the following screen is displayed.

Figure 2 Modify Balance

2. Enter or select the following information in the corresponding fields.




Select the action type in the drop-down list. For example, Topup, Deduct and Reset
Select Topup to recharge the available balance
Select Deduct to deduct amount from the available balance
Select Reset to reset the available balance


Enter the amount


Enter the reason for modifying the balance

Click Submit.
After clicking Submit, a confirmation message is displayed indicating endpoint/customer detail is updated successfully.

Figure 3 Confirmation message

Modify Monthly Limit

On the endpoint CRM screen, click

to modify the monthly limit. Refer to the following screen.

Figure 4 Modify Monthly limit

After clicking the button, the following screen is displayed.

Figure 5 Modify Monthly limit

3. Enter or select the following information in the corresponding fields.




Enter the new monthly limit amount


Enter the reason for modifying the monthly limit

Click Submit.
After clicking Submit, a confirmation message is displayed indicating endpoint/customer detail is updated successfully.

Figure 6 Confirmation message

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