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SIMS reports

These 4 views are available:

  • Overview SIM Status

    • SIM Status Details

  • Overview SIM Event

    • SIM Event Details

1. SIM report dimensions and metrics

Dimensions are descriptive characteristics or attribute of your data. Example: dimensions show you when, where, what, why, with whom and how you view data in the report. The metrics are always expressed by numbers (number values, %).


  • DATE - day or month of a given statistic record

  • ACCOUNT_ID - Account to which the statistic record refers to



How is the metric calculated?


This is the peak No. of Ready to Activate SIMs throughout the period. It is taken from the Inventory of SIMs (which provides the exact SIM status details at the time the reporting script is running) plus the distinct SIMs that moved from the Ready to Activate state (there’s a CDR generated for this event).


This is the peak No. of Pre-Active SIMs throughout the period. It is taken from the Inventory of SIMs (which provides the exact SIM status details at the time the reporting script is running) plus the distinct SIMs that moved from the Pre-Active state (there’s a CDR generated for this event).


This is the peak No. of Active-Test SIMs throughout the period. It is taken from the Inventory of SIMs (which provides the exact SIM status details at the time the reporting script is running) plus the distinct SIMs that moved from the Active-Test state (there’s a CDR generated for this event).


This is the peak No. of Active-Inventory SIMs throughout the period. It is taken from the Inventory of SIMs (which provides the exact SIM status details at the time the reporting script is running) plus the distinct SIMs that moved from the Active-Inventory state (there’s a CDR generated for this event).


This is the peak No. of Active SIMs throughout the period. It is taken from the Inventory of SIMs (which provides the exact SIM status details at the time the reporting script is running) plus the distinct SIMs that moved from the Active state (there’s a CDR generated for this event).


This is the peak No. of Suspend SIMs throughout the period.  It is taken from the Inventory of SIMs (which provides the exact SIM status details at the time the reporting script is running) plus the distinct SIMs that moved from the Suspend state (there’s a CDR generated for this event).


This is the No. of Deactive SIMs throughout the period. It is taken from the Inventory of SIMs (which provides the exact SIM status details at the time the reporting script is running)


This is the count of SIMs that generated Usage CDRs (SMS, Data or NB-IoT).  It is taken by counting the no. of distinct IMSIs from the Usage CDRs generated during the period


This is the total count of SIMs. It is taken from the Inventory of SIMs (which provides the exact SIM status details at the time the reporting script is running)


This is the No. of New SIM Activations by Subscription. It is taken from the State Change or Provisioning CDRs that relate to new SIMs and have Post-Event Subscriber State = Active


This is the No. of New SIM Activations by First Usage.  It is taken from the SFT-SIM Management CDRs (On-Usage Charge has to be configured in the Base Plan) that relate to new SIMs and have Post-Event Subscriber State = Active


This is the No. of SIM State Change to Pre-Active.  It is taken from the State Change or Provisioning CDRs that have Post-Event Subscriber State = Pre-Active


This is the No. of SIM State Change to Active-Test. It is taken from the State Change or Provisioning CDRs that have Post-Event Subscriber State = Active-Test


This is the No. of SIM State Change to Active-Inventory.  It is taken from the State Change CDRs that have Post-Event Subscriber State = Active-Inventory


This is the No. of SIM State Change to Active.  It is taken from the State Change or Provisioning CDRs that have Post-Event Subscriber State = Active


This is the No. of SIM State Change to Suspend.  It is taken from the State Change CDRs that have Post-Event Subscriber State = Suspend


This is the No. of SIM State Change to Deactive.  It is taken from the State Change CDRs that have Post-Event Subscriber State = Deactive


This is the No. of SIM link.  It is taken from the SIM Delink CDRs


This is the No. of SIM Delink.  It is taken from the SIM Link CDRs

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