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Usage Details


  1. On the Endpoint CRM screen, click

Usage to view the transaction details of the enterprise. Refer to the following screen.

Figure 1 Usage

Note: The usage tab lists the transactions under the Enterprise.

The following transaction details are displayed on the screen.




Indicates the date and time of the transaction


Indicates the type of service. For example Data or SMS

Originating mobile number

Indicates the MSISDN of the endpoint from where the transaction originated

Volume (MB)/Count

If the service type is data, the volume of data consumed in Megabytes (MB) during the transaction is displayed.The value shall be displayed with 3 decimals.
If the service type is SMS, the usage count for SMS is always 1


Indicates the charges for the transaction.The value shall be displayed with 3 decimals.


Indicates the currency of the enterprise


Indicates the originating country of the service. For example Belgium


Indicates the status of the transaction. For example, Success or Failure


Indicate the network used for the transaction. For example, Proximus


Indicates then supplier name of the network of which the data usage is performed



to view the short description of the event.


2. On the Usage screen, click

to view the quick description of the Transaction. Refer to the following screen.

Figure 2 View Transaction details

3. After clicking the button, the following screen is displayed

Figure 3 Transaction details


to minimize the transaction details screen.

to maximize the transaction details screen.

to close the transaction details screen.

The following transaction details are displayed on the screen.



Account Name

Indicates the name of the enterprise


Indicates the charges for the transaction. The value shall be displayed with 3 decimals.


Indicates the currency of the enterprise

Network type

Indicates the network type used for transaction. For example, 2G, 3G, 4G, or NBIOT

Parent Customer

Indicates the parent customer of the endpoint

Rating group

Indicates the Rating group of the endpoint

Start Time

Indicates the start date and time of the event. Start time is based on the endpoint's time zone

Balance after

Indicates the account balance after transaction

Connection Type

Indicates the type of connection. For example, Prepaid or Postpaid

Event Result

Indicates the result of the event.

Orig Country

Indicates the originating country of the transaction

Plan Name

Indicates the current base plan of the endpoint

Rating Group Delta

Indicates the data consumed for the rating group.3 digit values after decimal point will be displayed.


Indicates the status of the transaction. For example, Success or Failure

Balance before

Indicates the balance before the transaction.


If the service type is data, the volume of data consumed in Megabytes (MB) during the transaction is displayed.The value shall be displayed with 3 decimals.
If the service type is SMS, the usage count for SMS is always 1


Indicates the MSISDN of the endpoint

Orig Operator Name

Indicates the Originating operator name of the transaction


Indicates the Ratezone under which the transaction occurred


Indicates the type of service used in the transaction. For example, Data or SMS

Transaction time

Indicates the end time of the event.


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